An Interview And a Message From Our Director General, Bradley Chapman – Road Trip

The Park Home and Holiday Park Association is a new association within the park home industry. Our mission is to protect, educate, recognise, support and train UK park operators and service providers. 

We offer a huge range of different services that benefit our members in various ways. Bradley is very passionate about park homes and wants to continue the support and growth within the industry.

We interviewed Bradley to gather some of his thoughts on the industry and what can be achieved in the future. We found out that he is  taking a three day road trip to Yorkshire and the surrounding areas visiting parks, suppliers and service providers.

Why? Continue reading to find out more. 

What is the purpose of your road trip? 

By going on the road trip we can achieve exposure for our members as well as bringing people together. We will be looking at park operators and park suppliers from any point in their business journey. 

Bradley enjoys getting out and meeting people from owners, suppliers and even their teams. 

He says, “We can best serve our members as a collective by delivering interviews, live recording broadcast, social media assistance and by sharing the best practices of park operators in the industry”. 

Bradley is excited to showcase your parks, your hard work and determination, with the end result of a fantastic company adding value in the industry.

Our Director General believes that, “you get to know how they feel about their business” and he personally learns a lot from reading people”. 

What are you hoping to achieve? 

Being on a road trip is a great way of researching into the industry, getting to know our members personally and recognising the hard work and efforts put in by those involved within the industry. Bradley believes that

“residential parks in the UK are without a doubt the solution to affordable housing.”

Since the current pandemic, the vacation market is booming and a lot more people will want to enjoy the beautiful UK countryside in which we have some of the best holiday parks in Europe. The Park Home and Holiday Park association strives to showcase incredible parks and what companies are doing to grow in the industry and he

“would love to encourage the industry to continue to grow”

We want to continually learn and adapt to be able to provide our members and the industry with the support and resources that they need to succeed.

 The team here at PHHPA can serve you as a member and together we can grow and move forward as one big team. Our Director General believes “we row as individuals but we sail as a team.” 

We hope to see you all come together at the end of the year for the PHHPA London Gala 2021 where we can celebrate together the successes of those involved in the industry.  

Can you give us clues on who you might be visiting?

The PHHPA awards are created to recognise people that have been working relentlessly and tirelessly within the park sector, residential, holiday and leisure parks. 

You can nominate yourself or a park home on our website here. We have created a wide variety of different categories to award parks and suppliers for their successes and to encourage others to strive to be great as well. 

As to clues , Bradley likes to say “can you keep a secret? Can you?” because we can. We can not tell you who will be receiving awards until the awards are with the recipients however, we can say that the awards are going to some incredible and outstanding parks and suppliers in the industry.

Follow us on social media to get the information from the source about our awards and winners. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin

If you know somebody who you feel that we should recognise to win a Park Home and Holiday Park Award then nominate them now on the website. And hopefully we will be seeing you soon and presenting you with an award. 

Why is visiting our members so important to you? 

Our Director General believes that visiting our members is very important. We are an association but we are also a community and it is important now more than ever to make our members feel comfortable. 

Bradley spent a lot of time training at Wyldecrest Parks, Europe’s largest residential park operator and learnt lots of skills that we have implemented into the heart of our association. 

There are many people who are keen to enter into the industry and some already in the industry who are highly skilled and highly dedicated people who could make massive strides in our industry. 

Bradley believes that “the more open we are the more we can connect members and bring them together sharing their experiences. By learning from each other’s  best practices we will improve and grow the industry.” Bradley always says “the moment you shut yourself off from learning is the day that you start going backwards”. 

Always keep yourself open to learning new things, it doesn’t matter where you are in your business journey. 

So our role is to bring everyone together and make sure our members are comfortable communicating and learning from each other to better the industry in the future. Meeting people is so important, it is how we learn, build and grow together.  A high tide raises all ships.

What gave you the idea to award parks on your road trip?

Bradley believes it is important to recognise outstanding success, achievement and dedication of companies to improve the best practices and inspire people in the industry to do better. 

It is important for company owners, operators, CEO’s and the teams that make a company perform to be recognised for the roles and jobs they play within the industry. He believes that it is important to reward companies as it gives a sense of pride to what they have achieved and will inspire the industry to grow and develop. 

Getting an award gives us the same feeling as when we were children being recognised for working hard at school except now you’re working hard in your business.” Hopefully the Park Home and Holiday Park Association will become the new school award in the industry and we hope we will be placing one in your hands shortly. 

As you can see from the above comments from our Director General we are very passionate about the Park Home industry and want to be able to support companies to grow and progress the industry to a whole new level. 

We are dedicated to making sure our members have the support, resources and advice that they require to make their businesses and the industry successful. If you want to be part of our journey check out our website for more information. 


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